Wednesday, April 21, 2010

pics from Museum of Wonder

Museum of Wonder in Seale, Alabama

While I was traveling I had the privilage if getting to visit the home of the Museum of Wonder and art of Butch Anthony in Seale, Alabama. This place and artist have picked up some notice due to a big folk art festival they put on down there every spring called Doo-Nanny. Sadly I missed the Doo-Nanny by a couple weeks but was able to see some fun art and curiousities and meet an adorable pack of little dogs. Butch Anthony has been digging in dumps and creating re-art since he was 14 years old. He even found dinosaur bones while digging one day and Auburn University gave him a scholarship in exchange for housing the bones in their museum. While there he received his degree in zoology. You can few his work and find out more at and . I am posting some pics on the blog on some of the fun things I got to see, including a "house of wonder" that Butch built when he was 14 from salvaged railroad wood.

Whoo sure has been a while....

Boy I sure got way behind on keeping up on this but computer failure, 2 weeks out of town, working 7 days a week, and well all the other excuses you usually hear(or even say yourself )
But hey I am back and have some fun stuff to share so..