Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010

For today I am going to get you thinking a bit linear which for some of you probably consider more logical brain then creative brain, but surprisingly can actually stimulate the more abstract creative side.
This exercise may seem silly or simple but it also might make you think about various thought if you don't already.
Draw a line from one side of the page to the other and then flip the page and continue the line at the same level of page as other line which should cause it to be even with the end of line on other side too.
Now this line is obviously flat, yet you have technically just made a circle from two straight lines.
The relation to your creation and this is to make you open your mind to possibilities and to remember that your logical brain will try to tell you that a straight line is just a straight line that follows the same path but in fact it is a circle which connects to it's beginnings and continually evolves and recreates itself.
I know you are thinking ooh "deep thoughts" but it can be a helpful exercise and if you play with circles and lines and testing your mind to see how many times you think they cross each other and can stimulate the mind.
This exercise can be helpful and comparable to writing too because classic writing rules have you bring a story literally "full circle" by connecting the end of a story to the beginning.
okie have fun and get creative

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010

"Conformity is inevitable when folks huddle together in rebellion"
-Herbert Gold
This is from a book he wrote on the history of Bohemia(not the country but the lifestyle that has always been around in someway and he believes you can find a community or at least cafe associated with it in just about every country and every large town or city in the U.S.
Think about what you consider to be Bohemian in the past and the present.In his book his considers the old beat writers and poets to have been Bohemian and before them the Dadaist.Do you find yourself influenced by some of the old writers and artists that were a part of creating Bohemia in the US in places like New York and San Francisco and all the little colleg towns.
If not then who does influence you.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26, 2010

Today's tip is pretty basic but still always a good help. If your having one of those days where you just can't get anything done, your mind won't quite focus and your feeling completely unproductive and have decided to just sit or your butt and just watch TV. Well, even though I smashed my own TV up with a hammer, I do except that those are just those days where you can't work.So use it to your advantage and at least document what you are watching.Grab a piece of paper and write or draw what you see on the TV or maybe even just document your own reactions to the people you see. Now if you are way ahead of the creative game and have also gotten rid of your TV then you could just veg out and look out the window or even just people watch somewhere. I can't avoid over hearing loud talkers conversations and sometimes hear myself reacting to them in my head. Sometimes I write it in my journal in case it can be useful for some type of character later. I have even overheard a conversation one time where a girl was talking about something she wanted to make and it lead me to come up with a new idea in my head for something to make( no I did not steal her idea, it inspired a totally new one).So get out there and observe- oh yeah I mean sit on your butt, don't do anything but chill and observe.

January 25, 2010

Write a letter or create some mail art and send it to someone. Everyone loves mail and we get way to caught up in electronic communications. My fav is a pal's musings stuffed in some creatively decorated envelope or maybe they challenges themselves to write on something other than a plain piece of paper. I also still love a good postcard(especially the one's who someone really thought about what you would like or show off their personality)
Did you know that as long as it's flat and not harmful and can hold the right amount of postage that it can be mailed. You would really be surprised at what people have turned into postcards. If those furry postcards and even the astroturf ones can be mailed then surely your creation can make it.
Okay so get creative and mail something!

January 24, 2010

Storytelling- I know some people might think sitting around listening to someone tell stories might be a time-waster but it actually can be quite helpful, not matter what your medium. If you don't have access to public storytelling or a friend or family member , or even the old guy who hangs out on the corner telling “stories” , you could always rent a documentary video or check one out from library. I love documentaries about old blues musicians because there are always good stories that go along with their music. Heck you could even catch some good story telling on cooking shows sometimes. Whatever stories you find will hopefully inspire your mind. While they may not directly inspire some specific creation, they do quite often stimulate that part of your brain and can get your imagination going. remember some of these tips and exercises are just to help stimulate the creative portion of the brain and to entice it to want more.

January 23, 2010

sorry i got behind again, as I mentioned before I don't get to get to my compuetr quite daily but still work to get these up for you even if they are delayed.Okie here goes:

Collaborate! Finding someone to share creative brainstorming can be very stimulating. You can bounce ideas off each other, share input on each other's projects or even work together on a collaborative project. A fresh outlook is always helpful.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Creative Reuse Center

I spent the last few years working on getting a proper creative reuse center and was never able to get it going other then little small material swaps and workshops here and there. I am excited to say that it looks like their is another group out there who will hopefully soon be bringing a creative reuse center to the Oklahoma City area and I can't wait. If this is something you are interested in also you should check out their site and get in touch with them to help.
So go check out

January 22, 2010

Unfinished projects...
I am sure many of us are prone to starting projects and then putting them aside. Maybe we just get bored with them or maybe put them aside thinking we will get back to them later, yet that later never quite comes around. In the last year I have however found myself picking up a few of those projects and actually working on them and even sometimes finishing. The tip on how this is happening isn't especially prolific either. All  I did was reorganize my workspace and look at the project again and go back and read old notes. I always thought talking about projects to friends and fellow creators would help me , and while on occasion it does help work things out in your brain talking them out to others, most of the time I just felt like I was one of those folks that always talked about projects but then never followed through and finished them. So, if you don't want to become that person either, you HAVE to remember to pull those old notes or half started projects out and look at them. There is a good chance some ideas might start flowing in and you can finally finish it.

January 21, 2010 tip o' the day

Every once in awhile I find it helpful to immerse oneself in the creations of another culture. Look at the art, read the literature, watch the movies, and eat the food. A few months ago I was on an Indian kick and watched a weeks worth of suspenseful Bollywood style films, cooked some Indian food and glanced through some books on Hindu art. One week it is Asian, another Mexican, and even occasional different cultures within the United States like deep south Outsider Art , literature, and food sometimes influences me. I just find that this really opens the mind and if you already immerse yourself in one or two of these cultures then just remember to switch it up a bit for variety. Your mind and tastebuds are hungry for it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010 tip o' the day

Dream a little dream...
  Everyone dreams, just like everyone is creative. Even if you are just a daydreamer thinking about what you wish you could do or thinking about what kind of meal you want to cook, these are still types of dreaming. The big ones at sleepytime are the best though and these are often the ones you need to document the most, but really you should document all your dreamin even the kind you get riding in the car looking out the window. Tapping into this part of your mind that sends the dreamin message is the same part you are trying to exercise to activate the creativity so write them down, draw them, speak them into a recorder or even share them with a pal. Some of the best movies, novels, art work , and even fashion have stemmed from someones dreams

January 19, 2010

One of the biggest reasons many of us find ourselves creatively blocked is self censorship.This often comes from a fear of revealing too much . You might be nervous someone will find out something or see a part of you that you didn't want to share. We have to get over this though and choose to open up. It isn't good to keep things locked up inside you and you can't move on from them without releasing them. If it is something you totally don't want to share  then burn it afterwards! (obviously as long as it is safe) I often write things out or draw things that I need to get out but don't really want to share and then I put them in a fire pit or fire safe bowl and burn them. It really feels like a good purging.
Now sometimes our fears are irrational and may be something we should share with others like for example I was scared to do this blog becuase I didn't want to come across like a goober and actually didn't tell people I knew that I was doing it at first. I had to get over that and remember that even though I may not be a great writer, if these tips helped me then hopefully they can help someone else.And there ya go, just do it.
(heck you may luck out like me and no one will read or look at your art anyway, but that doesn't matter becuase you are doing this for your self first, not others)Okay no I have babbled, but you get it, FEAR NOT and do not censor yourself! it causes creative constipation.

January 18, 2010

Let's take pictures. It is always fun to take pictures. So grab a camera(any kind) and go take some random picture without worrying about how they come out.Take a walk and do it or set up scenes in your home or go out and take photos of people. Now once you have taken some you need to develop them or load them on computer or if digital go back and look at on screen. How do these make you feel, what colors are in them, can you make up stories about what is going on in them or maybe do and alternative universe interpretation of what is going on. Or maybe you can make a collage with them or draw a sketch of two pics merged together.
Get creative!

January 17, 2010

So I got a little behind on posting but my goal is to still have 365 days of tips so I am going to back post the last few days.I certainly have discovered that is is harder to keep up with a commitment so my tip for today comes from this experience. DON'T give up just becuase you get set back a little. Sure it would be easy to go " ah man this is alot harder to come up with everyday and I can't always get it posted on the day so what is the point." But I am not going to do that becuase it would be too easy and then I would feel crappy knowing I did not follow through. So again Don't give up. If you made a resolution and fell back on it a bit, just keep at it. It may be later or may not be exactly what you wanted to be but as long as you keep at it no matter the outcome it is still progressive. And learn from mistakes and move on, try not to dwell. So there ya go a tip from the heart.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A little Emerson for your day..

This quote is a little corny but I still like it and find it meaningful.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.

                            -Ralph Waldo Emerson

January 16, 2010

Jealousy, resentment, and excuses...
     Often when folks find themselves creatively blocked these are 3 clear present forces. Have you ever said something like " I could do that, if I just..." or any other derivative of that phrase? One anytime you make an excuse for why you can't do something, really stop yourself becuase constant excuses are self destructive and you should remind yourself that why you do or don't get something done is in your own hands.
My favorite excuse that people give is time. Our lives ultimately consist of nothing but time and it is the one thing you have no control over other than how you spend it. It progresses whether we choose to keep up with it or not.
Now as for the jealousy and resentment, as soon as you have these feeling you should stop because 1. we are all individuals 2. at least those folks are trying to live creatively and as soon as you set the goal to live creatively you will find that those feelings tend to go away
Just be active in any way possible toward your goals and you will find it easier to push away the excuses and negativity.
GO on, get creative.

Quote for today....

Develop interest in life as you see it ; in people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people.Forget yourself.
                                         -Henry Miller

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tips and qoutes from a new book..

I just found this book today called Art Making & Studio Spaces by Lynne Perrella and these were some qoutes from featured artists:

On collecting stuff -
" As we sort and re-sort and ponder how to allow ourselves just one more acquisition, we run our materials through our fingers and they talk to us." - Ellen Kochansky

" This momentof transcendence makes every collected object, be it a matchbox or a martyr's fingernail, valuable. Every collected item is , to some extent, a tutor." - Phillip Blom

On Finding Space-
From Nancy Anderson...
"Nancy happily debunks the theory that , to create, one must have a perfect space. " Give up that thought now!" she says. " The perfect space only exists in your dreams. I say : Just create! Let it happen in your basement, that less than optimal rental, your shower, your kitchen table. Just do it!" "

January 15, 2010

I have probably already mentioned  Swap-Bot before but I want you to commit yourself to actually trying it out. It is free other than the price of postage in your trade but you get something just as nice back.It is a really cool site where you can sign up to swap goods, creations, or even just make fun packages or trade recipes. I really like it and feel that is an excellent way to inspire you.They have loads of categories to choose from and you can even swap with folks in other countries.My fav is to trade qoutes and to trade artists trading cards. 

January 14, 2010 (day late argh)

Tell your brain a story. For some reason when you sit there and make up stories about people or things that surround you , it entices your brain to feed you more ideas. So try it! Whereever you are ; work, airport, grocery store, even watching crappy ads on the crappy TV. Look at one of those Gap or Old Navy ads with folks dancing and singing, pick out one who looks interesting, what do you think they do outside of acting, create an imaginary life for them.
It is best to do this exercise while people watching(i love the airport!) My fav is when people argue.i mean it sucks they are arguing but my brain starts coming up with all sorts of scenarios of their past , present, and future life and it really gets that creative part of my brain cooking and while I feed it this silly story it rewards me with great ideas later. I know it sounds silly, but hey it works and if your a writer, this is an especially helpful exercise for character building.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13, 2010

Quote Jar
Quotes are great prompts for any kind of inspiration or creative activity. For this exercise you will need a jar or container of some kind, pieces of paper, and a writing utensil.( feel free and inspired to decorate and embellish your jar too!). You are going to write down as many quotes as you want on individual pieces of paper and then put those slips of paper in the container. When needed, pull one of those quotes out and use it as a prompt. If you already have a collection of your favorite quotes then use those , otherwise go to the library or bookstore and write down some that you like.I like to have a quote of the day  and I often share it with others.
This exercise alos works by just putting creative words on the slips of paper and pulling those out.
Okie so go out there and get creative!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010 tip o' the day

Avoid popular culture or news for a week.Try to turn off TV, Radio, and any other media outlet. Read a chapter in a book, put a notebook and pen in your pocket and take a long walk, sit quietly somewhere and just be letting the ideas flow in and out of your brain, writing or sketching things that catch your interest.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 11, 2010 tip o' the day

Here is another exercise from " Living the Creative Life":
Divide a piece of paper or a page in your journal into 6 columns and label them ; Tasted, Touched, Heard, Saw, Smelled, Did . Then for one complete day list the things your experience in these columns.


" I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious"
                                                        - Albert Einstein

January 10, 2010 tip o' the day

This weeks exercises will all be coming from a book called " Living the Creative Life" by Rice Freeman- Zachery.It is pretty cool and has a plethora of great ideas to get the juices flowin'. Here is todays: Make a list of the 10 most creative people you know of(try to make sure that at least 5 of them are people you know personally). List some of their creations. What makes them seem especially creative? Pick out the similarities of these people, even the seemingly silly ones. Now ask your self what do they have in common with you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

T.S Eliot quote

" We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

January 9, 2010 tip o' the day

This is a creativity game that can be done by yourself, with a pal, or at a get together or meeting where folks are just getting to know each other. My mom use to put this game together at her x-mas parties as a way for folks to get to know each other and she would use styrofoam balls and fabric and notions for for our example we are going to recycle old magazines and chipboard. You will also need to pull out some glue or glue sticks, scissors, and markers. you are going to be making either a collage or paper doll using cut outs from magazines. If you are on your own then do a self protrait, with a pal do an image or each other. If you are in a group then be sure to put everyone's name in a hat and have them draw names and then do a collage of that person.To really help new people get to know each other you can partner everyone up with someone they do not know already and they can help each other with each other's collage. After everyone is done with their collage then  you put them up on the wall or a table and have folks try to guess who each of the images represent. It is fun and really helps get creative juices flowing and serves the double purpose of folks getting to know one another. I always tell the group in the beginning to also of course be kind and considerate becuase obviously they wouldn't want to offend anyone by creating a rude depiction of someone but I also remind the group to try not to take anything personal or be offended as this is meant to be a fun exercise.

Walter Lippman Qoute

"When we all think alike, then no one is thinking"
-Walter Lippman

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 8, 2010 tip o' the day

Let's sketch today. Doesn't matter what your creative effort is 'cause today we are just going to doodle. Grab any sort of writing utensil and anything to write on. If you don't have a pen and paper, you can use anything even lipstick and a cardboard box. Now just doodle and draw. Skill level doesn't matter, just go at it. If your excuse is that your are too busy, surely you can fit 5-10 minutes in as everyone needs a break in the day, heck you can even use that bathroom free time if that is all you have. So go do it, doodle.

January 7, 2010 tip o' the day

Creative Confidence--Everyone is creative whether they believe they are or not.The key to using that creativity is believing and having the confidence that you are creative.Right now just say it aloud to yourself- " I am creative"
To really utilize and exercise your creative self you really must be willing to take chances and build that confidence. The only way to do that is to try.Let's say you always wanted to write a screenplay and everytime you see a movie or  pay attention to who won best screenplay  you are reminded of that desire.The thing is you will never do it if you don't try and you will always have that feeling of regret and longing unless you do try.Start with taking a class or by checking a book out from the library on writing screenplays.They have excellent tips on how to get started.AND what they will all tell you is that you need to write no matter what, even if it doesn't make it into your screenplay, just write becuase you have to keep that part of your brain working. And this example works for everything from cooking to knitting to even planning out creative ways to sell something or creative ways to motivate your work team. If you don't experiment and take chances you will never build your confidence, and don't think that if something doesn't work out that it is bad, it is just one more thing you can cross off and you can alwasy try again or just try a different way or try something completely new.And understand that everyone has to start at the beginning at some point.That master knitter making ellaborate sweaters and socks didn't just start making those first time, they had too start with learning basic knitting first just like you. So no matter what your endeavor is go into it with confidence and know that every time you try something or learn something new that your are taking positive steps toward your creative desires.

Jan 6th tip o'the day

My apologies for missing posting this yesterday, computer has been running slow and could not get anything to load, but whoohoo it is working now.Today's tip to help increase your creative juices is music! Music has always been a tool used to keep energy up , relax folks, and even get creativity flowing. If you have been working on a projoect and you find yourself at a blocked point then take a break and listen to some tunes , and really get into the music. Don't worry about if someone is watching and dance or sing along or make funny faces at your self in the mirror to the beat of the music.If you were already listening to music then change it to something that is the complete opposite of what you were listening to. I always have to play music when I work because it keeps my head focused on the task by keeping the part of the brain that would wonder off busy .Otherwise the wondering brain pulls away the part I using and I start thinking about  subjects far away from what I am working on.Okie so go put some good music on.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just a reminder.....

TURN OFF THE T.V. , it rots your brain! You know you have heard it and heck you might of even said it. And you have probably had the words come out of your mouth " oh I don't really watch alot of TV" but maybe then later say well, I can't miss " such and such" on "whatever" night and in all reality you watch at least an hour or more of TV  a day. Trust me that you do take that step to actually quit watching TV you will be amazed on what you can accomplish.If you  really think about even that 1/2 hour or hour a day watching a program no matter what it is and then use that time instead to do something creative or even just taking a walk instead or reading a book, your brain will be so appreciative and will in turn start activating parts of your brain that were normally numbed after seeing 10-20 commercials. So there you go turn off the TV and do something.

January 5, 2010 Tip o' the day

This exercise is a fun game to be enjoyed with at least one other person but if you can do it in a group it is even more fun and helpful.
Grab some paper and writing utensils. Now this game can be played by drawing or writing, either way you end up with some interesting creations. Make sure everyone participating has writing utensils but the paper is going to be passed around one at a time.The goal is to write or draw the first thing you think of and then pass the page to the next person and then they do the same.Don't worry about whether what you write or draw makes sense just put down what comes to mind first.Fill the entire page with words or images and then sit back and share your creation. If you chose words then read the piece together, sometimes you can really come up with some entertaining "poetry" or you can read it like a weird story.Of course sometime it just makes no sense at all, but that never matters, just keep experimenting and having fun. It is about the same with drawing although this can be a little more interesting the more abstract it is or can turn out to be a really funny cartoon.Always remind everyone participating that it doesn't matter whether they can draw or not becuase the variety of skill level only enhances it and it is of course meant to challenge you a bit. The most important part of this exercise is the free thought in puttiing down what comes to your mind first and of course the collaboration with others.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 4, 2010 tip 'o the day

Today I think would be a good day to grab a buddy and look at the clouds.That's right buddle up and get out there and look up at the clouds and have fun with your pal finding shapes and faces and creatures.Okay so maybe you don't want to bear the cold or heck maybe there are no clouds today, well there is also formica counter tops, marble tile, and even some plastered walls have shapes.  You may think this exercise seems silly but with a pal it can be fun no matter what age you are and is such a nice basic way to get your creative juices going. So don't worry about feeling silly and let your imagination go crazy.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 3, 2010 tip o' the day

Grab an envelope and address it to a family member or friend. Find as much random goodies as you can and stuff the envelope with as much as you can, then seal it up, get some postage, and mail it off. This project should be fun for you and fun for the receiver. Maybe suggest to them that they do the same for someone else. Some other ideas are decorating the envelope, add a secret coded message, cut out pictures from magazines.
Also if you like mailing things to people yet modern technology has cut back our use of the post office, then check out a site called Swap-bot.It gives you lots of opportunity to get creative and share with others.

Jan 2, 2010 tip o' the day

COLORS - this one is used alot, but yet it is still helpful for inducing activity in the creative zone.
   Pick 3 colors. You can pick them random, pick your favorite, or for a challenge pick three you would never pick usually.
 If you like to do art or craft, then the challenge is to create something using these 3 colors.
If you cook try using these 3 colors to create a meal or dish(try to go natural, but if you have to food coloring is okay)
If you write use your colors as a starting point or even just write how these colors make you feel.
No matter what your act of creativity is let these colors be the theme and and starting point and try to challenge yourself to use them in a way you would not normally.
There ya go, today's tip.