Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9, 2010 tip o' the day

This is a creativity game that can be done by yourself, with a pal, or at a get together or meeting where folks are just getting to know each other. My mom use to put this game together at her x-mas parties as a way for folks to get to know each other and she would use styrofoam balls and fabric and notions for for our example we are going to recycle old magazines and chipboard. You will also need to pull out some glue or glue sticks, scissors, and markers. you are going to be making either a collage or paper doll using cut outs from magazines. If you are on your own then do a self protrait, with a pal do an image or each other. If you are in a group then be sure to put everyone's name in a hat and have them draw names and then do a collage of that person.To really help new people get to know each other you can partner everyone up with someone they do not know already and they can help each other with each other's collage. After everyone is done with their collage then  you put them up on the wall or a table and have folks try to guess who each of the images represent. It is fun and really helps get creative juices flowing and serves the double purpose of folks getting to know one another. I always tell the group in the beginning to also of course be kind and considerate becuase obviously they wouldn't want to offend anyone by creating a rude depiction of someone but I also remind the group to try not to take anything personal or be offended as this is meant to be a fun exercise.

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